Aligarh Center for Interfaith Understanding

At a glance

Aligarh Center for
Interfaith Understanding

To tame the brute in man: That is the Motto.
Quite a few fr
iends believe that if India is to survive as a great nation in the complex world of today, the
 nation has to rise above its petty diffrences. For the purpose the nation has to learn basic lessons in the art of living together in peace and harmony. :hence the need to create a platform to radiate the message of respect & love between the people with different faiths.  

For the purpose the Vice chanceler of AMU has inaugurated such a Center on the Rebuplicday  2016. It includes, among its 3-fold tasks ahead: (i) producing concerned literature, (ii) holding lectures / Seminars / Discussions, and (iii) involving other Universities to evolve Courses of Studies to be prescribed from  preprimary to graduation stages.

Of the tasks ahead, The Center has so for concentrated on the first one, and has produced About 30 thematic monographs which, if you may like to go through, are available on the present website.

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