Tasks Ahead-2 : Producing help literature
Producing literature on the concerned subjects: besides reproducing material already available on the subject, new books/ working papers/material for studies may also be prepared by the experts involved in the running of the centre. Introductory booklets on all major Faiths of India, readable within 50/60 minutes-time may be produced/reproduced. On Islam the booklets may be published in Hindi, English and regional languages. On other religions, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc., the booklets may be produced in Urdu, & if necessary, in English as well. A lot of very useful books are fortunately available in Urdu on Indic Religions. During the last a few months , literature on the concerned subject has been combed through, and some 30 monographs have already been reproduced by way of inaugurating the programme in a big way. Similar readable material such as may give an unbiased content, is to be prepared/reproduced. Misgivings on both sides should be attended to in earnest by correcting the planned distortion by the Raj in Medieval and Modern Indian History, The Center is to devote as much time to allay the misunderstandings created through distortion of Indian History, under a well-planned campaign in the entire sub-continent picking the ‘Devils’ out of history and spreading hatred among the peace-loving citizens of India by abusing, say, Shivaji & Rana Pratab (in Pakistan), Aurgangzeb & Tipu (in India), depicting them in as black colours as possible. Objective history books for school children may be prepared. History and Social Studies books prescribed in the school/ colleges curriculum carrying such antinational material, as may help create hatred in the hearts of our youngsters, be combed through and the undistorted facts be brought to light, which could bring the two communities nearer. An experts-meet to discuss and to point out the poisonous material contained therein, may regularly meet at two-years interval to assess the courses of studies and make corrections wherever possible.
List of Publications of the Centre