Sir Syed Bicentenary Presentations 2015-17
Sir Syed’s Inspiration for Hindu-Muslim Unity
2. Hindu Mzhab (Hinduism by Pt. Manohar Lal Zutshi)
3. Vedic Dharm aur Deena-e Islam (Vedic Regiun &f Islam by Lakshman Aryupdeshak)
4. Ved aur Quran (Common Teachings of the Vedas & the Quran by Ganga Prasad Upadhyaya)
5. Islam aur Hindu Maz'hab ki Ba'z Mushtarak Taleemat (Islam & Hinduism : Some Common Teachings by Moulana Munazir Ahsan Gilani)
6. Islam kiya hai (Islam: What it is by Maulana Abul Fazl d.1947)
8. Geeta & Quran (by Pt. Sunder Lal)
9. Kabeer, Daud, Guru Nanak (by Pt. Sunder Lal)
10. Geeta Dharm (by Pt. Sunder Lal)
11. Quran aur uski Taleem (Quran What it Teaches by Pt.Sunder Lal)
12. Distortion of Medieval Indian History (by B.N.Pande)
13. Ek Masihi pahal: Isaiyat aur Islam main Mufahama ke liye (A Christian Initiative for a Muslim - Christian Dialogue byFr.Ary Crolius,Rome)
14. Hindu Mazhab: Aqaid wa Tarikh (Hindu Religion: Tenets and History by Manmath Nath Dutt)
15. Lagacy of Islam in India (by B.N.Pande)
16. Taleemat-e Shri Krishn The Teachings of Shri Krishna by Manmath Nath Dutt)
17. Confluence of Islam and Hinduism (by B. N. Pande)
18. Talimat-e Gautam Budh (The Teachings of Gautam Budh by Manmath Nath Dutt)
19. Aurangzeb (by Dr. Om Parakash Prasad) (Hindi)
20. Aurangzeb (by Dr. Om Parakash Prasad) (Urdu)
21. Hinduon ke Tyohar (Important Hindu Festivals by Lala Bal Kishan Batra Abr)
22. Ramayan (by Daya Narayan Nigam etc.)
23. Bhagwat Geeta (by Prabhu Lal)
24. Hindu Philosophy (by Radha Krishnan /Shri Niwas Shastri, Prabhu Dayal, Shiv Brat Lal Verman)
25. Malik Ram kee Mano Smiriti & Arthshastr (Reclaimed by Dr. Shayesta Khan)
26. Qaumi Ekta ki Paramprayen (by B.N. Pande) (Hindi)
27. Qaumi Ekta ki Paramprayen ( by B.N. Pande) (Urdu)
28. Wasti Hindustan ki Tareekh Nawesi main Firqawariyat (Communalism in Medieval Indian Historiography by Harbans Mukhya)
29. Qadeem Hindustan ki Tareekh Nawesi main Firqawariyat (Communalism in Ancient Indian Historiography by Romila Thapar)
30. The Prophets of India (by Dr. Khalid Hasan Qadiri) (English)
31. Jizya (by Shibli Nu’mani)
32. The Holy City of Benaras: A Model Management of The Temples, by The First Muslim Administrator Under the East India Company’s Rule : His Correspondence with the Rulers of Hindu Princely States
33. Sikh Dharm (Sikh Religioun by Sardar Balbeer Singh)
34. Jain Dharm (Jain Religioun by Dr. Vishnu Jain)
35. Hindustani Tarikh main Firqa-warana Zahar (Communal Poeson in Indian History by Shri Chandr Gupt Vidyalankkar)
36. Sikh Muslim Rishte (Sikh Muslim Relations by Abid Raza Bedar)
37. Islam aur India (Islam and India by H. R. Bhardwaj)
38. India's Secular Nationalism (Hindustan ka Secular Nationalism by Dr. Tarachand)
39. Persian Translations of Geeta ,Ramayan &Puranas: (by Prof. Mahesh Prasad of BHU etc.)
40. People of the Book
41. Pakistan meri Scheme nahiN (Pakistan: not my scheme by Allama Iqbal by Dr. Hasan Ahmad)
42. Hayder Ali, Sultan of Mysore: Whom Muslims loved and Hindus worshiped
43. Maulana Azad: why he was great? Select writings (Hindi)
44. Maulana Azad: why he was great? (by Gandhiji ect.) (Hindi)
Sir Syed Bicentenary Publications
1. Causes of the Indian Revolt (Asbab-e Baghawat-e Hind) by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
3. History of M.A.O. Collage Aligarh by Shayam Krishn Bhatnagar
4. Kulliyat-e Sir Syed Vol. 1 Pani Pati's Aligarh Edition
5. Kulliyat-e Sir Syed Vol. 2 Pani Pati's Aligarh Edition
6. Kulliyat-e Sir Syed Vol. 3 Pani Pati's Aligarh Edition
7. Kulliyat-e Sir Syed Vol. 4 Pani Pati's Aligarh Edition
9. Al- Jizya: Shibli’s Monograph Translated At the instance of Sir Syed
10. Sir Syed’s impact on Urdu Literature: by Shibli (Urdu)
11. The Aligarh Movement by Haroon Khan Sherwani
12. Sir Syed: A Tribute & an Elegy on his passing away by Nazir
13. Sir Syed ki Deeni Barkaten by Abdul Haleem Sharar
14. Sir Syed ki Bazm-e Adab meiN by Mahdi Ifadi
15. PRINCIPLES OF EXEGESIS (Introduction to Syed’s Tafseer) (English) translated by PROF. DA’UD RAHBAR)
16. Sir Syed’s Tafseerul Quran Translated into Persian as introduced by Prof. Kabeer Ahmad Ja’isi)
17. Shibli the Journalist (Index of An-Nadva) (compiled by: Abid Raza Bedar & Afzal Haq Qarashi)
18. Syed Ahmad Khan & Hindu Muslim Unity (by Prof. Haroon Khan Sherwani)
19. My Days in Aligarh (by Vice Chancellor M. N. Faruqi, summarized by N.H. Naqwi)
20. Tafseerul Qur’an of Sir Syed and Its Impact on Later Commentaries (by Maulana M. Raziul Islam Nadvi)
21. Nations Develop Through Education Sir Syed’s Thought Analyzed (by Prof. Aftab Shamsi, reclaimed by Ateeq Jeelani Saalik)
22. Nasab-e Afaghina (Afghans Genealogy) (by the great Donor to Sir Syed’s Library)
23. Aligarh Movement (by Syed Hamid)
24. Syed ke Nuqoosh-e Paa (by Abid Raza Bedar)
25. Aligarh Movement )by Haroon Khan Sherwani)